Passion to Serve
Thank you for your prayers and financial support of MNU's 2017-2018 Passion to Serve project! This year's Passion to Serve project will advance the work of MNU student Quincy Foster, who died tragically in a car accident on January 1, 2015. After a transformational journey to Haiti in 2013, she experienced a call to missions and changed her major to nursing. Her dream was to return to Haiti. Although she will not be with us physically, her love will be with us as we return to serve the Haitian people in Jesus' name.
In honor of Quincy, we are spelling love with a Q (LQVE) as we continue the work she and MNU started in 2013.
This year, we are building a new clinic in the community of Belle Anse, which is located in the rural southeast part of Haiti. Partnering again with Haert to Heart International, we expect to open the clinic by the end of the academic year, so local nurses can start seeing patients -- many of whom have had to travel great distances for medical care.